CORRIGENDUM - a thing to be corrected, typically an error in a printed book

Fend off (verb)

Meaning: as in to repel

Synonyms: repel, resist, repulse

Antonyms: welcome, embrace

Sentence: He was able to fend off the blow with his arm.

Extemporaneous (adj.)

Meaning: spoken or done without preparation.

Synonyms: impromptu, improvisational, spontaneous

Antonyms: prepared, rehearsed, premeditated

Sentence: She made an extemporaneous speech on the ceremony.

Attic (noun)

Meaning: a room or unfinished space directly beneath the roof of a


Synonyms: loft, garret

Sentence: These stairs will take you up to the attic.

Purport (verb)

Meaning: appear or claim to be or do something, especially falsely.

Synonyms: profess, claim, pretend

Antonyms: deny, abandon

Sentence: He purports to be an expert in horse riding.

Aspersion (noun)

Meaning: an unfair criticism or false accusation meant to damage another's reputation

Synonyms: criticism, insult, insinuation

Antonyms: praise, applause, respect

Sentence: Let's keep the debate focused on the issues and try to avoid casting aspersions on one another.

Fealty (noun)

Meaning: adherence to something to which one is bound by a pledge or duty

Synonyms: allegiance, loyalty, commitment

Antonyms: treachery, disloyalty, perfidy

Sentence: He swore fealty to the king.

Visage (noun)

Meaning: facial appearance regarded as an indication of mood or feeling

Synonyms: expression, look, face

Sentence: He is an old man with a noticeably happy visage.

Nonplus (verb)

Meaning: surprise and confuse (someone) so much that they are unsure how to react.

Synonyms: confused, bewildered, bemused

Antonyms: relieve, assure

Sentence: I was nonplussed by what he asked me.

Tomfoolery (noun)

Meaning: wildly playful or mischievous behavior

Synonyms: joking, silliness, stupidity

Antonyms: wisdom, sanity, prudence

Sentence: He was no longer amused by john's youthful tomfoolery.

Otiose (adj.)

Meaning: serving no practical purpose or result.

Synonyms: futile, useless, in vain

Antonyms: effective, efficient, virtuous

Sentence: Since you haven't read the book, I suppose that it would be otiose to inquire what you thought of it.

Dilapidated : (of a building or object) in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect

Inter alia:  among other things 

Misnomer: a wrong or inaccurate name or designation.

plea bargaining: an arrangement between prosecutor and defendant whereby the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a more lenient sentence or an agreement to drop other charges.

Proclamation: a public or official announcement dealing with a matter of great importance

Ratio decidendi: Ratio decidendi of a judgment may be defined as the principles of law formulated by the Judge for the purpose of deciding the problem before him

obiter dicta: obiter dicta means observations made by the Judge, but are not essential for the decision reached.

(colly) :collectively

DH:Decree Holder

JD:Judgement Debtor

Suppressio veri: suppression of the truth

Suggestio Falsi: Suggestion of deceit

ESTOPPEL: a legal principle that prevents someone from arguing something or asserting a right that contradicts what they previously said or agreed to by law

REDEMPTION: (Recovery) the right to regain ownership of property by freeing it from a debt, charge, or lien (as by paying to the creditor what is due to release the secured property) specifically : a mortgagor's statutory right to redeem after a judicial foreclosure and sale.

Repudiation: Rejection of a proposal or idea

Abeyance: suspension

Lewd: crude and offensive in a sexual way

Deceit: the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth

Remorse: deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.

Unscrupulous: having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair

Flagrant: of an action considered wrong or immoral

Impudent: not showing due respect for another person

Impertinent: rude

DIR : Domestic Incident Report

GOSHWARA NUMBER: number to find case files in record room

Compoundable Offences : Compoundable offences are those that can be compromised

ouster: ejection from a property, especially wrongful ejection; deprivation of an inheritance. 

Codicil- an addition or supplement that explains, modifies, or revokes a will or a part of one 

Plausible - reasonable [(of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable]

Disentitle - deprive 

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